Meet The Family: Blossom


Blossom, is one of the sweetest beings I have met. Bloss is a 15.3hd, TB. Originally, my plan was to ride her whilst Corry was pregnant and then eventually sell her on. So far Bloss has stayed much longer than anticipated and knowing me won’t be going anywhere.

Bloss was a great babysitter for Crispin when he was young. There has been countless times she has been used as the babysitter in the float on his trips to and from Kiama for holiday camp. She is so calm and easy on the float, what a dream.

Bloss is one of those beautiful people, her nature is so calm and gentle. She does get upset when presented with new environments, but she tries her very hardest for you.Β  During EI, the poor girl just wanted me to hold her head and gently massage her temples. Another time during one winter, Blazer had a mild case of colic, I was out in the paddock in the freezing cold, with the fog closing in around us sitting on the ground with Blaze. Blossie came over and gently rested her nose on my shoulder for a long time. In her quiet way she was giving both me and Blaze energy as well as reassurance that all would be ok.

Unfortunately, time always beats me with Bloss. The poor girl is my weekend horse and only gets ridden when I have time. We have however managed to do a few preparatory tests and she managed to grade us out in only 3 tests. I would love to have the time to have her regularly in work as she would do so well.Β  In the meantime she is queen of a lovely large paddock with the boys fighting over her all the time. What more could a girl want.